Shopping With A Purpose - Justice & Mercy International

Shopping With A Purpose

Amanda Sanfilippo is someone we endearingly refer to as “a Moldova-head” in much the same way that “Parrot-heads” are Jimmy Buffett fans.  She has worked with our orphan friends on many occasions there and has mastered many of the songs in Romanian with which the rest of us continue to struggle.  Amanda also sponsors one of the boys in our Boys2Leaders program, so she is someone who understands “tangible love!”

Last week Amanda approached us with the incredible opportunity to liquidate her inventory of Mary Kay cosmetics and use the proceeds for our work in Moldova.  If we can sell the entire lot, JMI would stand to make up to $2500 for orphans!

Please follow the instructions below and let’s see if, together, we can make it happen THIS WEEK!!!

Shopping with a purpose

With Christmas just a few short months away, here is a creative way to make the ladies in your life smile, with the added benefit of knowing your money is going to make Christmas a little better for kids around the globe who would otherwise have nothing.  One of our sponsors, who fell in love with the orphans of Moldova several years ago, is liquidating her Mary Kay inventory, and would like to donate the proceeds to JMI to help continue to meet everyday needs, as well as make Christmas extra special for these sweet children.  So buy some gifts for others, buy some gifts for yourself, pass the word along, and know that in doing so, you will be making a difference in the life of a child!

To view a list of items available for purchase click the following link:

To place an order, contact Amanda Sanfilippo at: [email protected]  or 615-804-7537 (call or text)

*Note* As this is a liquidation, quantities are limited and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.


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