Our Giving Should Become Personal - Justice & Mercy International

Our Giving Should Become Personal

A Devotion from Jeff Simmons, President of JMI & Senior Pastor at Rolling Hills Church 

Through Justice & Mercy International, we have the opportunity to make justice personal to the poor, the vulnerable, and the forgotten. Giving is such an important part of this.

When we give, we are investing in what matters to us. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” Matthew 6:21. Therefore, when we invest in giving to JMI, sponsoring an orphan child, or investing in a pastor in the Amazon jungle, we are placing our treasure into what matters most to God. This is why giving is so important not only to the person receiving the gift but also to the one giving. Giving reveals our heart. You can give without love – people do it all the time. But, you cannot love without giving. This is when giving becomes personal.

You can give without love – people do it all the time. But, you cannot love without giving. This is when giving becomes personal.

In 2 Corinthians 8, the apostle Paul is taking an offering for the Early Church in Jerusalem. The Church was going through a very tough time due to persecution. Paul is appealing to the church in Corinth to join in giving. In verse five, Paul highlights the generosity of the churches in Macedonia by saying, “And, they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first to the Lord…”  What Paul is saying is that they made giving personal. They prayed about what they should give and gave their hearts to God first. They demonstrated their love and commitment to God through their giving. Then, in their giving, they exceeded human expectations.

Our giving should become personal. Why? Because God’s giving is personal. The most famous verse in the Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave…” John 3:16. And, what did God give? God gave what is most personal to Him – His own Son. God gave His own Son for us – for you.

Therefore, give yourself to the Lord first. Pray about what and where you should give. Put your life and treasure into His hands. Then, allow God to respond through you. Invest in a vulnerable child, a jungle pastor, or the overall work of JMI, and not only Make Justice Personal, but make your giving personal. As you do this, you will not only impact a life for the glory of God but you, personally, will be impacted as well. 

If the Lord leads you to invest in JMI, we are looking for more monthly donors to help support the foundation of our work. Learn more here. 

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