Mission Trips Archives - Justice & Mercy International
CategoryMission Trips

Louie’s Shoes

Written by Jackie Heberle, Amazon Mission Trip, August 2024 If there is one thing I have learned over the years concerning mission trips, it’s that plans change, timelines move, and God works despite it. Actually, I think He orchestrates it. On this, my third trip to the Amazon, these things …

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Taking My Mom to the Amazon

By Julie Reneslacis, JMI Logistics & Events Coordinator If you had asked me when I started interning with Justice & Mercy International in the summer of 2022 which of the two countries we work in I’d like to visit first, I would have said Moldova without batting an eyelash. If …

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Just Love Them

Written by Mary Fahnestock – Risipeni, Moldova Trip 2024 “Love them…just love them”. These are the words that I sensed the Lord impress upon my heart as I would try to analyze how I could take away the brokenness and fix what I would see each day at camp. These words …

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More of God and Less of Me

Written by Jennifer Wilson, Serve + Study Women’s Amazon Trip 2024 As a child, I loved to hear stories from my aunt and uncle about their time living with an indigenous people group in the Amazon region. Their tales of snakes and piranhas and the uniqueness of the tribe’s language …

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Leading students to learn in the jungle

Written by Dr. Chris Barton, Belmont University Professor and JMI Board Member Years ago, I remember receiving an email from Jason Hale at Rolling Hills Church asking me to join his team headed to the Amazon. I wish I could say I went and had an amazing experience, but I …

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God Is So Good: My 10 Years of Amazon Trips

Written by Anna Townsend, Preschool Pastor at Rolling Hills Community Church Don’t you love it when God allows you to experience something that truly marks your heart in a way you couldn’t have dreamed? As you think about those things, it’s likely that whatever it is, you now can’t imagine …

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Baptized in the Waters of the Amazon

Written by Jayden Stidham, Belmont University student When the chance to go on a week-long trip to the Amazon came up during my human anatomy class, I wasn’t sure what to think. It seemed like a wild idea, but I signed up anyway because, hey, it sounded like a cool …

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Missions as Our DNA

A Devotion from Nic Allen, Pastor at Rolling Hills Church In John 14, Thomas exclaimed to Jesus that they didn’t know the way. Jesus responded, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” It wasn’t enough for the disciples to know that Jesus was the route to truth, but that he was truth. It wasn’t enough …

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In and Out of Time

“Preach the word, be prepared in time and out of time.” (2 Timothy 4: 2a) In time and out of time… That has been the word that comes to mind as the rivers in the Amazon reopened and we had the opportunity to lead 4 Brazilian teams to serve 8 different …

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Join us in Praying for our Teams

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:20 Pray for Mission Trip Season Here at JMI we are in the midst of our mission trip season. Many teams have already traveled and served in the Amazon and Moldova over the last couple …

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