4 International Mission Opportunities in the Next 5 Months - Justice & Mercy International

4 International Mission Opportunities in the Next 5 Months









Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly!”

The Christian life was never envisioned to be anything but extraordinary!  If it’s becoming anything less, recharge your spiritual batteries with one of JMI’s exciting mission trips:

Christmas in MOLDOVA Mission Trip (Dec. 27-Jan. 3) Interest (Lunch) Meeting – Sunday, October 16th, 12:45 at Bunganut Pig in Franklin, TN

JMI’s “Christmas in Moldova” mission trip has become such a legacy of love with us and it’s time to start thinking about celebrating the wonder of the season again with our young friends!

If you’re one of the winter faithful or someone who can only imagine the joy of bringing the full blessing of Christmas to the children who have no home or family with whom to celebrate, you’ll want to join us at 12:45, Oct. 16th at the Bunganut Pig to hear the plans for this year’s trip.

If I were the Moldova ghost of Christmas Past, I could show you scenes of children unwrapping the first gift they had ever received.  I’d then show you the unabashed joy on children’s faces illuminated by the light of New Year’s Eve fireworks.  Maybe I’d reveal a little hand in the hand of one of our volunteers as they watched a movie and ate popcorn.  Or the solemn moment when we shared a candlelight service in honor of our Lord’s birth.

I could also show you the downcast faces of children who have no one and nowhere else to be at Christmas but the orphanage.  Most of the orphanage children are placed out with any family who will accept them during the holidays.  The ones that are left know what it feels like to be anonymous or left behind.  When their friends do return, they come with stories of gifts and family that drives the hurt even deeper.  What a joy it is to give these the sense of what it means to feel special…chosen…loved!

The Bunganut Pig is at 11:43 Columbia Ave.  If you’re not in town but would like more information, write [email protected].  The cost of the trip is $2350 if the down payment is received by Oct. 30…$2450 anytime thereafter.

JMI On-Call BRAZIL Mission Trip (Dec. 3-11) Signup is underway!….Deadline for $500 deposits is Oct. 16

The interest in our trip to the Amazon is heating up and in a few short weeks it will be time to make a commitment!

Space on the boat limits our team to about 12 people so the first to place their deposits will assure themselves of a cozy hammock.  We’ll also need to arrange for our flights in October in order to apply for visas.

The Amazon is one of the most amazing places on earth and interacting with its people one of the greatest privileges.  They will share what they know of God and survival in an inhospitable and oftentimes hostile environment, and we will share what we know of Jesus and what his sacrifice has purchased on our behalves.

We hope to add medical and dental professionals to the ones already on board, but welcome those who will minister in other significant ways.

The cost of the trip is $2350 if $500 deposits are received by Oct. 16….$2450 anytime thereafter. Trip costs cover everything but travel meals, visa and inoculations.  Pass the word on to the Santas in your life!!!

Mumbai, INDIA Mission Trip (Jan. 28-Feb. 5) Interest (Lunch) Meeting – Sunday, Oct. 23 at Bunganut Pig in Franklin, TN 

If there is one word that best describes Mumbai to me, it is “fascinating!”  There is grand architecture to be admired in the same city as appalling, cavernous slums.  You have a galaxy of Bollywood stars but penniless beggars on every street corner.  And if you are a people-watcher, you have a dazzling array of humanity to keep you wondering what this one does to earn his wealth and what that one does just to survive another day.

Our mission in India this year is to bring a Christian day camp experience to children, most of whom are the sons and daughters of prostitutes in Mumbai’s red light district.  In addition to times of worship, crafts and recreation, we’ll interview children to record what they will tell of us their lives, so different from our own, but equally valued.  We’ll also spend some time in the Bombay Teen Challenge clinic and even worship in the vicinity of the red light district.

As with all our trips, those who live outside Franklin, TN are encouraged to participate in the trip, and its planning, remotely.  Applications and forms are available from our website.

The cost of this trip is estimated at $2600 if a $500 deposit is paid by Nov. 20th….$2700 if anytime thereafter.  But please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] to express your interest or ask any questions.

SOUTH AFRICA Mission Trip (Feb. 21-Mar. 4) Interest Meeting “Backstage” in the WareHouse – Sunday, Oct. 23

Commitment Meeting – Nov. 13

Whether you’re an annual volunteer or considering your very first mission trip, South Africa offers you an unforgettable and meaningful opportunity to serve.  First timers, in particular, will appreciate the variety of ways your gifts can be put to use and the surprisingly comfortable accommodations.

JMI’s team will work on behalf of our partner, Living Hope, to provide life skills education, children’s activities in the mountain village of Red Hill, assistance in a health care clinic, education in HIV prevention, after-school kids and teens clubs and other types of training.  Your trip will also include the opportunity to take in the sights of vast beaches, Table Mountain, Nelson Mandela’s cell on Robben Island, and wildlife such as African penguins.

The 2012 trip will mark our fifth year of service in South Africa.  That kind of continuous service (along with the consistent leadership of Brent Hutchinson) has provided us a base of knowledge about the country and programs that rewards our volunteers with a predictable missions experience.

The trip cost for South Africa is estimated at $3,200 if $500 deposits are received by Nov. 13…$3,300 anytime thereafter.  If you’d like more details, contact [email protected].

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