A New Start into Transitional Living - Justice & Mercy International

A New Start into Transitional Living

It is an exciting time right now in Moldova as new kids have the opportunity to enter into JMI’s Transitional Living program and move into our Grace Houses and Boys to Leaders home for the very first time!

Ana is one of the young women in our Transitional Living program, a residential program for acutely vulnerable teens that are at risk to be trafficked. This program meets physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. For many of our kids, this is the first family they’ve ever had. We asked Ana to describe what Grace House means to her:

“When I’m thinking about what Grace House means to me, many thoughts are coming into my head. I can surely say that Grace House is like my second family – a safe place where I feel like myself. I think my last year here was very productive, I’ve become more responsible and I’ve learned how to plan my time better.

One thing I like very much about Grace House is how people treat each other. I like that we can learn a lot from life skills. Also, all the events we celebrate together are a very special time for me. I can say that I not only learned things at Grace House but also applied them. But the most important thing is that I came to a personal relationship with God. My time lived at Grace House was one of the best periods in my life.”

– Ana
Please pray for the new kids who are entering the program, we believe this will be a life changing season for each of them. Find out more about what Transitional Living means by going here. If you are interested in becoming a transitional living sponsor (full or partial), simply email Rachel, JMI’s Sponsorship Manager, at [email protected] 

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