What God can do with Technology and Dodgeball - Justice & Mercy International

What God can do with Technology and Dodgeball

When Jeff Pittman went on his first mission trip to Moldova in 2012, he had no idea that the orphans there would radically change his life, nor that he would find himself in the position of changing many of theirs!

Very shortly after he returned from Moldova, Jeff did what so many are compelled to do: he sponsored a child. That is a huge blessing for an orphan and a sponsor. But Jeff soon discovered he had an unexpected, almost miraculous connecting relationship with a client who would multiply that blessing on behalf of the 18 kids we currently have in our transitional living program.

As it came about, Jeff’s business associate – Gary Belot – was a transplanted Moldovan heading up a technology company here in the States. Amazingly, Gary had a field office in Chisinau, Moldova named Ellipse Solutions with a staff of about 18.

Knowing that a part of the JMI vision for the transitional living program there was for the residents to learn computer skills, Jeff contacted JMI Director, Steve Davis, and the two began to formulate a proposal for Gary’s consideration. The plan was to ask that someone from the Chisinau office volunteer to teach computer skills according to a comprehensive plan once a week in our transitional homes. In addition, we asked that Ellipse Solutions oversee an upgrade to our internet connectivity and consider setting up one or more of our brightest students in an eventual apprenticeship through their office.

Gary turned out to be very receptive to our ideas and directed his staff to assess our wireless service, make the necessary upgrades and immediately begin the training program. But Jeff wasn’t satisfied leaving it at that. He knew we had a limited amount of laptops available to our students and began advocating for more.

In God’s providence, another great Moldova supporter named Stephanie Dykes was working to include JMI as a beneficiary in Ravenwood High School’s annual dodgeball event that she initiated several years ago there as a teacher. That event generated enough money for us to purchase an additional seven computers for our program.

This story is a testament to what one person can do when God is orchestrating a blessing for His children (and, in this case, how He can be working in the lives of different people separately in order to weave a single blessing). It is also a reminder that we all have a sphere of influence and the power and interventions of God can never be underestimated.

When your heart’s desires intersect with God’s dreams for His children, miracles really do come true!

P.S. JMI is prepping for this year’s summer camps for Moldova’s orphans and we will need volunteers to help us seek and save the most vulnerable of children. Please pray about your involvement in this life-preserving ministry. If you’re in the area of the WareHouse in Franklin, TN, plan to attend our informational meeting Sunday, Feb. 3rd at 12:30 p.m. in the Gallery. If you’re out of town, contact [email protected] to get the preliminary information or register your interest in joining one of our volunteer teams this summer!

1 comment to " What God can do with Technology and Dodgeball "

  • All glory to God.

    If anyone is interested in getting involved, please let me know. We still have alot of work to do to improve the curriculum to keep up with technology a well as applying a proven teaching methodology. Lastly, specific competency milestones in the program that the kids can achieve.

    Thanks, and God Bless…


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