The Heart of a Father The cold weather of February is now a distant memory, but the warm memories of seeing fathers and sons playing together at this year’s Father Son Bowl lingers still! 2016 was the 10th year anniversary for the FSB and JMI has had the privilege of …
Honor Mom + Build our new Grace House
Honor your Mom + Build our New Grace House This Mother’s Day give your mom a gift that will give hope and help to an orphaned girl in Moldova! Yourmom probably has a heart for women in need. . . and especially girls in need. That’s why we want to …
World Water Day is here!
World Water Day is TODAY! When we think water, we think the Amazon. Between the vastness of the River and the immense amount of rain that the region gets, you might think water would be in abundance. But access to clean, safe drinking water is limited for many of the …
3 Reasons the Jungle Pastor’s Conference Is Kelly Minter’s Favorite Week of the Year Nashville-based Kelly Minter is an acclaimed author, Bible teacher, speaker and musician. Her bestselling Bible studies have been an inspiration to women of all ages, while as a musician she has released four full-length recordings. She also speaks to women around the U.S. at events like Cultivate and Abundance. Kelly …
To the Ends of the Amazon
It’s here! The 5th Annual JMA Jungle Pastors’ Conference is underway! By God’s great grace, we have 88 pastors, wives, and church leaders in attendance at the John Pac Centre at Terra de Paz on the Amazon River. We have a great team of American and Brazilian pastors and teachers there to …
Caring for Vanea
You may remember a story from Moldova we shared with you a couple of weeks ago, entitled “Carrying Vanea.” It was an account from our recent Christmas in Moldova trip of a boy, Vanea in Costesti Orphanage who is disabled and cannot walk. One of our Transitional Living guys took …
Changed: Aubrey Junker
Aubrey Junker and his wife are sponsors of a young girl in Moldova. JMI Founding Director, Steve Davis, asked Aubrey about what that experience has been like for him. Below is that interview with Aubrey. If you’re interested in becoming a JMI sponsor in any capacity, we’d love to hear from …
Carrying Vanea
This is Vanea. He is 9 years old and lives in an orphanage in Costesi, Moldova. Just last week, we had a team from the states visit his orphanage and present a fun and Gospel-focused Christmas program. At the end of the program, Santa Clause comes to bring gifts, and the kids …
3, 2, 1…
As we approach a new year, we reflect on 2015. This year has been one for the books here at JMI. God’s great provision and graciousness to us continues to blow us away. He is truly the Father to the fatherless and the hope of nations — this year we …
Delivering Warmth
Give now to the work of Moldova, by clicking here. We currently have a team on the ground in Moldova, seeking to bring warmth and the joy of the new born King to the poor and vulnerable. A team from Bartlesville, Oklahoma has been delivering loads of firewood, …