ALL CALL for JMI On-Call! - Justice & Mercy International

ALL CALL for JMI On-Call!

On Sunday afternoon, August 29th, JMI On-Call was officially launched as a new ministry for Justice and Mercy International.

JMI On-Call will organize medical/dental mission trips to any place on the globe that is currently being served by JMI, but is not limited to those countries. Requests to consider new mission fields will be considered based on need and connections or experience with NGO partners on the ground.

We have 3 goals in mind for JMI On-Call:

  • Provide medical and dental care to underserved, impoverished and remote populations
  • Encourage the notion of international servanthood among those in the healing professions
  • Use the gift of healing as a bridge to sharing the person and work of Jesus

Healing is both a multi-dimensional gift and process. We hope to involve dentists, doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners, dental hygienists, pharmacologists, hospital administrators and students of any of the healing disciplines. We also have a need for those without professional skills who want to serve around the periphery of the professionals, organizing activities for those awaiting care, registering patients, tending to children and sharing the message of The Great Physician.

In addition to our mission trips, JMI On-Call also hopes to provide funding for clinics, supplies, and doctors and dentists to do on-going work in some of the places we’ll serve. You can already help us equip a clinic with supplies and a physician along the Amazon in Brazil by making a one-time gift or monthly commitment.

Here are a few ways you can be involved in JMI On-Call regardless of expertise:

  1. Share our brochure or website with your personal physician, dentist, or any professional colleagues and encourage them to contact [email protected] for more specific information, or sign up to be registered as a JMI On-Call volunteer to be notified of trips.
  2. If you are aware of services or individuals that might benefit our mission, please inform us by emailing [email protected]. Services might include such things as Christian associations of doctors and dentists of which you’re aware; entities or organizations that provide medical/dental equipment or supplies; graduate programs that might consider partnering with JMI; etc.

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