Join us in the Amazon this August! - Justice & Mercy International

Join us in the Amazon this August!

If you’ve been intrigued by the possibility of a JMI mission trip to the Amazon, what are you doing August 27th-September 3rd?

Unless you have something on your schedule that is more joyful than sharing the love of Jesus with forgotten people; more unforgettable than cruising the Amazon River jungles; and more meaningful than getting up close and personal with a fascinatingly unique culture, maybe you’d like to join us!

The team that is forming will blend the skills and giftedness of its volunteers to address some very significant and personal needs for selected individuals from among several villages. Regardless of your expertise or experience, there will be things you can do that will make an incredible difference for truly wonderful people.

Even though we’re five months away from departure, there are things you’ll need to begin working on right away in preparation, so time is of the essence.  We need to hear from you very soon and get you started on your visa application and other trip necessities.  Please indicate your interest in going or hearing more about the trip to [email protected].

The cost of the trip will be in the $2300-$2500 range, depending on the number of volunteers who sign up.

When Jesus says, “Come, follow me,” you would be correct to insinuate that he means “don’t put this off!”  I think he knew that we tend to lose ourselves in our busy-ness or have procrastinating hearts.

A great adventure in faith and service lies before us.  I hope you’ll seize the day!

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