Are you angry or depressed by all the news of a world enflamed against the United States? Perhaps it would do your heart good to listen to the hearts of our orphan friends living in our transitional homes in Moldova. Here is a sampling of responses I received to a few poignant questions:
When you were still living in the orphanage, what did you imagine your life would be like when you would be discharged? What were your feelings and fears about that?
Jazgul: When I was living at the orphanage I was thinking often about my future. The biggest fear that I felt was that I would have no future. I had no place to stay and no food to eat. To study and become someone in life was just a dream for me. I imagined my life would be like the teacher told us it would be: that we are not good for anything and nobody will take care of us and that we will become nobody in this world.
Tudor: I was like a child of no one. The biggest fear of my life was where would I live? Where would I go to continue my study? I was without hope.
Adela: When I was still at the orphanage I was thinking all the time about my future: Where would I live? Who would pay for my house? Everyday I was thinking about my life. I thought I would live on streets and that I would ask for money from people. I was thinking a lot about my sisters. I thought if my life would be successful and that I would be able to study at the university I would be able to help my sisters. I used to cry a lot, saying “What’s wrong with my life? “ and sometimes I didn’t want to live. Some kids would go home and me and my sisters would stay at school. We would cry a lot. I felt badly all the time and ignored. My colleagues would tell me what they did at home and I felt very bad.
What is life like for the kids you know who don’t have a home like you’re living in?
Viorica: Those kids, first of all, do not have financial support as we do here. Some of them live at the school dormitory with bad living conditions. (ex. They do not have a shower, they need a vase to fill with water and then bathe in that. Some of them do not have a kitchen and do not eat properly. Some of them are influenced negatively by the people who surround them.) Some are doing well by God’s help.
Egor: The life of my friends is very difficult. They do not have anything to eat for lack of money.
Ala: It’s really hard for them. They do not have parental love. They would also like to be accepted by others with love and someone who will help them. I am sure some will get worse because they do not have any help. I hope they will forgive their parents one day. Life is the hardest test for them at the moment. Teachers from school do not try to understand their situations. God is in control and He can change and heal everyone’s heart.
How do you feel about yourself and your future now as compared to before you came to our program?
Ana: I think it is a blessing from God and that God wanted a perfect future for me with Him.
Maria: I am doing much better now, thanks to God. I want to work on my goals to have a better life. I am so grateful for all my friends from the church. It’s so wonderful here, and I feel like my life is changing every day. He created me in a wonderful way. I love my Heavenly Father.
Denis: Now I feel much better than before. I can accomplish my dream with God’s help.
Tudor: First of all, I believe in myself now. I changed completely: morally and spiritually. I feel grateful to all the people who invest in my life. I feel like I am loved.
These lives are being changed because of the HOPE they can now hold on to, because many like you have decided to MAKE JUSTICE PERSONAL.