Over the last two weeks almost 3 million people have fled Ukraine seeking safety and shelter in their neighboring countries. More than 350,000 have escaped to Moldova, many have traveled on to other countries, but there are an estimated 150,000 who have remained in Moldova. So many of the refugees are …
Update from Alina
On February 28th, 2022, Mary Katharine Hunt and Chris Hardy sat down to talk about the impact of the invasion of Ukraine with Alina Magdaliuc, the National Director of the Moldovan arm of JMI. The JMI team in Moldova, a staff of about 40, jumped in head first to support …
Pray for Ukraine
Our hearts are heavy as we watch what is happening in Ukraine. The ramifications of this attack are global, and for JMI and our friends and family, they are also personal. As you know, one of the countries where we work primarily is Moldova, which directly borders Ukraine. Moldova is …
Marina’s Story
The work of Justice and Mercy International not only changes the lives of needy children but also the workers who are trying to become the family of these children. I can say this based upon my experience with this community. I learned about JMI one summer in 2018 when I …
A Christian’s Fight Against Human Trafficking
What is human trafficking? Many falsely believe human trafficking is a modern-day problem. However, this issue has been around since Biblical times. The narrative of human trafficking began with the story of Joseph in the Old Testament book of Genesis when his brothers sold him into slavery. This narrative continued …
Petru’s Story
The work God has entrusted to me is a ministry in His harvest field. Therefore, I understand the big responsibility on my shoulders. My name is Petru Antoceanu, and I work as a social worker and leader with JMI in our Boys2Leaders (B2L) Transitional Living program in Balti. I work …
How Coronavirus Affects our Daily Work
Hello Sponsors! In these uncertain times, I want to lead with what I know to be True: even (and especially) in these dark days, our Father is faithful. We don’t know what the coming weeks and months hold, but we do know the One who holds all things together. As …
Adventures in Cahul, Moldova
“Missions are like spiritual adventures. You are completely dependent on the Lord, and it is a little taste of how He calls us to live every day.” – Jeff Simmons JMI Mission Trip to Cahul, Moldova I’m writing this from the plane as I return home from our first Rolling Hills and JMI …
Let Love Lead With Yes!
“You cannot start seeing or understanding anything if you start with “No.” Those are the words of Franciscan friar, Richard Rohr; words that have the ring of truth in my life. Evidently Paul felt it too, because in 2 Cor. 1:18-20, he says, “But as surely as God is faithful, …
We’re Taking on a New Project in Moldova!
We’re Taking on a New Project in Moldova! In late 2018, the JMI staff in Moldova began a new initiative on the ground: periodic one-day camps in the villages and communities where we work and have established relationships. These camps are almost entirely planned and executed by our incredible Transitional …