We have the privilege of serving a people who live in some of the most difficult conditions imaginable, and yet are some of the happiest people you will ever meet. Families, however, face enormous challenges with the basic necessities of life such as education, clean water, lack of food, and health assistance, among other things.
The majority of villages in the Amazon have no access to doctors and dentists. Oral health has been one of the major challenges in isolated regions of the Amazon. These are challenges Justice & Mercy Amazon is seeking to address through volunteer dentists that are waiting to get on our Discovery boat and set up portable clinics along the Amazon River to assist families in need.

The need is real and the answer is here.
JMA has had several dentist volunteers over the years who were willing to go and serve in villages with our teams; however, we lacked the right equipment. You now have the chance to take part in this and change a smile forever.
Together with Brazilian dentists, our staff has determined that a portable dentistry clinic would cost about $1800 USD. If you feel called to care of the forgotten people of the Amazon in this way, you can donate by clicking below.