A TIME TO CARE AND A TIME TO DARE! - Justice & Mercy International


In just over 6 months we will be returning to Moldova for Rolling Hills’ 11th straight year of service and volunteer recruitment begins this Sunday, January 19th at 12:30 p.m.!

Our preliminary summer camp plans for 2014 include 3 teams providing programming to 6 different sites.  2 of those teams will be in-country simultaneously and 1 of those sites has never had a Christian church or an evangelical ministry team in its community!  In addition, know that leaders in several communities and emergency shelters are praying that we return to their villages with the good news we bring!

In order to achieve our ambitious goals for the cause of Christ and his children, we need a strong contingent of Moldova veterans and an equally representative group of new folks who are ready to become a part of our church’s legacy of compassion and service to orphaned, abandoned and poor children.

Although we will be plowing some relatively unfamiliar territory, we have incredibly experienced leadership available to make your mission experience full and unforgettable.  In addition, several of our transitional living kids will be joining us in a support role.  Many of them are the products of past camps we have hosted and you will LOVE working side-by-side with them!

This year you have the option of serving June 24-July 1 or July 1-8, or both weeks.

If you have been to Moldova before, your experience is priceless and we need you to consider going again! If you’ve never been on a trip to Moldova, you have certainly heard the passion of those whose lives have been radically impacted by it and the stories of the children whose lives have been forever changed because of someone who cared.  Someone like you!  Will you begin praying about whether God might be calling you to plant a piece of your own heart there?

To hear more, plan on joining us after the 11 a.m. worship hour in the church Gallery at 12:30 for an important informational meeting.  And if you absolutely can’t make the meeting but want the information, write [email protected].

Looking forward to another amazing missionary journey!

Steve Davis | Missions Pastor
Rolling Hills Community Church
O: 615.861.3663 ext. 104
M: 210.240.2707

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