Justice & Mercy International exists to promote Gospel-centered, sustainable life change for the poor, the vulnerable, and the forgotten. In Moldova, our focus is on protecting at-risk children and teens from the devastating realities of human trafficking, poverty, and family instability. Through our local staff, we care for vulnerable children where they live through our Child Sponsorship Program, and we provide a lifeline to teens most in need through our Transitional Living Program. We also offer crisis care to families in need, including refugees, and support for special needs children.
Moldova: A Small Country with a Big Need
Moldova, the smallest of the former Soviet republics, is roughly the size of Maryland. It is also the poorest country in Eastern Europe. For many Moldovans, life is marked by economic hardship, family instability, and a sense of hopelessness.
- Average yearly income per person: $4,669
- Ranked 40th out of 43 European nations in economic strength
- 31% of the population lives under the poverty line
- One in four deaths is related to alcohol—a rate five times higher than the global average
This level of poverty goes beyond what many in the West can imagine. It is not uncommon for families to face daily struggles for food, adequate shelter, and basic health care. Additionally, the prevalence of alcohol abuse in Moldova erodes family units and leaves children especially vulnerable.

A Generation at Risk
For children in Moldova, poverty often leads to abandonment, institutionalization, and exploitation.
- Every year, 80 to 100 children under the age of three are separated from their families.
- Children in government-run institutions are released at age 16, often with no family, home, or support system.
- Moldova is ranked 15th in the world on the Global Slavery Index, with over 25,000 Moldovans trafficked abroad annually.
- 40% of Moldovan women report experiencing physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15.
Without intervention, many of these children are at significant risk of becoming victims of human trafficking—a harsh reality in a country that has one of the highest rates of trafficking in Eastern Europe.

Why We Are Here
JMI’s mission in Moldova is deeply rooted in addressing these overwhelming needs with compassion and intentionality. We offer vulnerable children and teens a safe haven where they can experience love, stability, and hope.
Through our Transitional Living Program, we provide young people who age out of institutional care with:
- A safe home
- Mentorship and life skills training
- Education and vocational opportunities
- The knowledge of God’s unconditional love for them
Our Vulnerable Child Sponsorship Program allows us to connect with at-risk children and their families, providing food, clothing, and other essential resources to meet their immediate needs. We have around 900 children enrolled in our sponsorship program at any given time. They receive consistent, loving support from our team and get to hear and experience the Good News of the Gospel.
A Call to Action
Our work in Moldova seeks to break the cycles of poverty, abuse, and exploitation by offering children a pathway to a brighter future. This mission is not possible without the help of supporters like you.
Will you join us in bringing hope to the most vulnerable in Moldova? Together, we can share the Gospel, restore dignity, and build lasting change in the lives of those who need it most.
Sponsor a Child
- justiceandmercy.org/human-trafficking-facts-and-statistics/
- justiceandmercy.org/how-child-sponsorship-helps-prevent-human-trafficking/
- wfp.org/countries/moldova
- state.gov/reports/2023-trafficking-in-persons-report/moldova#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20the%20government%20identified,that%20involved%20most%20identified%20victims.
- time.com/5654052/moldova-drinking-problem/
- who.int/publications/m/item/alcohol-mda-2019
- worldbank.org/en/country/moldova/overview
- unicef.org/moldova/en/child-protection#:~:text=More%20than%2035%20thousand%20Moldovan,300%20cases%20of%20sexual%20abuse.comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-020-00201-5