Urgent: Amazon Flooding Devastation by racheltrammell under Amazon on June 13, 2014 No Comments Flooding in the Amazon from Justice and Mercy International on Vimeo. Annual flooding in the Amazon region is continuing to worsen. More than 167 million people have been affected by recent rainfall, and parts of the area have been declared in a state of emergency. Villages where JMI works and where we have dear ministry partners have completely flooded. Many of the pastors that attend our annual pastor’s conference are facing increasing hardship for their families, communities, and churches as the waters rise. Access to water and food are just some of obstacles families face as they try and rebuild what has been washed away. One of the most effective ways we can offer immediate assistance is through distributing food bags to families that have been displaced by flooding. By providing for this most basic need, we offer the River people a glimpse of the Savior’s deep love and care for them. Our goal is to provide 200 food bags for needy and displaced families, which will cost around $6,000. We covet your assistance during this time of incredible need. You can donate by clicking the give now button below. Would you partner with us as we seek to make justice personal for the forgotten people of the Amazon?