It seems crazy to be thinking about summer when it’s not yet Christmas but, if you missed the memo, time flies, and the warm weather will be defrosting us before you know it!
I hope you will prayerfully consider making a trip to Moldova with JMI in 2015. Working with orphaned, abandoned and impoverished children will shine a fresh and blazing light on how you live life, what you regard as eternally important and the contributions you have been chosen to make for the sake of the Kingdom. Many of us have discovered the reason for our existence there. And most of us have been changed…in a moment…in the twinkling of a child’s eye!
A mission trip to Moldova is also a personal, spiritual and financial commitment. You will be pouring yourself into children who know the meaning of loss more than most of us ever will, and at a tender, vulnerable age. A price tag comes with that decision in terms of time away from your family, different priorities for your vacation time and the cost of the trip itself.
For all these reasons and more, we ask our church partners and volunteers contemplating their summer schedules, to begin making your preparations early!
Rolling Hills Community Church will be holding its 2015 Moldova Summer Camp Informational Meeting on Sunday, January 25th at 12:30 p.m. after worship. Commitment Sunday will follow quickly after that on Sunday, February 15th along with a $500 non-refundable deposit that will secure a trip cost of $2750. Only by acting quickly in the New Year can we control flight costs and guarantee our trip costs…those who sign up later will be subject to potentially higher costs. Mission trip dates for RHCC have been reserved: June 25-July 2 (Risipeni team) and July 2-9 (Carpineni team).

I often hear people question whether they have the skills needed for a Moldova mission trip. If you love kids and have a willing, teachable heart, I assure you you’re qualified!
In addition, we have a need for people to serve on a construction team for this summer. Our projects will include building a large deck onto our Grace House in Chisinau and bathroom stalls in the orphanage at Carpineni where we hope one of our teams will be staying again in 2015. The construction team will travel with the Carpineni group July 2-9.
My hope is that you will begin praying now about offering yourself (or your church) to God in this most significant and meaningful way. Contact [email protected] to express your intentions or gather more information.