This past week, our work in Moldova mirrored the Easter celebrations so many of us participated in. Food bags were filled with Easter treats and cakes; games and activities were brought to children to celebrate our risen Savior. As our team continues to work around the clock to serve the vulnerable in Moldova, we continue to be reminded of the tremendous hope brought to us in Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection.
Governmental aid is still slow to come in and there are some refugees and Moldovan families who are not eligible to receive support. JMI is able to stand in the gap and provide for those excluded from this widespread aid. Cezara recounted a story to our US staff about an elderly woman who came into Moldova from Ukraine to stay with a friend. Because of her situation, she did not qualify to receive any help from the government or other organizations. JMI was able to supply her with months of supplies.
We’ve noticed one pastor of a church that we work with is hesitant to ask for help, yet JMI can provide for the church’s needs in large ways. Being able to go above and beyond the expectations of the Moldovans and Ukrainians we are working with is an honor that we are so happy to share with you. Because of your support, we are able to bring the quantity and quality of care that we do.
We are continuing to bring refugee camps and churches supplies like bedding, medicine, and food. Many of these camps and churches are undersupplied and we are grateful for the opportunity to provide them with these essentials.
As the war in Ukraine continues, there is a desperate need to care for the children caught in the middle of this conflict. More and more children are coming from Ukraine into Moldova and the need for Child Safe Spaces is apparent. JMI is beginning to focus more and more on day camps and enrichment for the children at these refugee camps. Over the past two weeks, we were able to supply 47 children with crafts and gifts.
Our hope is to expand our work for vulnerable refugee children in Moldova. Our team continues to explore different options to provide trauma-informed programming for children across the country. Thank you for continuing to partner with us and we aim to make justice personal for the vulnerable and forgotten people of the world.