FORGOTTEN PEOPLE - Justice & Mercy International


I’m guessing the phrase, “forgotten people,” may not resonate with you….unless or until you become one of them.

People are sometimes forgotten because they were born into a remote, war-torn or environmentally savage region.  Or maybe they are forgotten simply because they are poor and therefore deemed irrelevant. Like a line from a popular Spanish song says, “If anyone wants to make himself invisible, there is no surer way than to become poor.”

It is to these forgotten that the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 of his flock to seek out that one lost sheep of inestimable value.  It is for these forgotten that Jesus crafts his own mission statement:  For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.  It is to these forgotten that Jesus offers a solemn promise, sealed by the agony of his own feelings of abandonment on a cross:  I will NEVER leave you or forsake you!

If you’ve visited in recent days, you may have noticed new wording to our mission statement.  It now reads, “Making justice personal for the poor, the orphan and the forgotten.”

Next week we have a volunteer team traveling to the Amazon with a message born out of the  love of Christ:  You are not forgotten!  That message will be a part of a jungle pastors’ training conference that will then be carried for miles and miles up and down the rivers.

On Sunday, February 16th, you can make your commitment to carry that same strong promise to the orphaned and abandoned children of Moldova. Contact  [email protected] if you’d like more information on this summer’s mission trips to Moldova!  Two weeks to choose from…June 24 – July 1 or July 1 – July 8.

Or perhaps you feel your own calling to the forgotten people of the Amazon and want to reserve your spot on our May trip to Brazil.  Take a moment to view this short video that shows just how lives are being impacted in the Amazon. . Contact [email protected] for more information about the May trip or future trips to the Amazon.

Serving the poor, the orphan, the forgotten. . .  this is our privilege. . . this is our calling. Won’t you join us and help make justice personal to those God loves around the world?



1 comment to " FORGOTTEN PEOPLE "

  • I absolutely love this! It’s so inspirational and challenging to remember and share the gospel message: “You are not forgotten!” Thanks for this great post!

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