Fall Amazon Mission Trip - Justice & Mercy International

Fall Amazon Mission Trip

Nov. 15-22, 2014

We’re looking for construction and medical volunteers to go to the Amazon with us this fall!

Our mission will include building a school for a village and doing some “first responder” type medical training and possibly seeing patients.  Construction expertise or experience is helpful but not mandatory for those who want to build.  We plan to work with the men living in the identified village in the construction effort and have our medical team access several villages along the route.

If you have a fascination for the Amazon, as I do, you will definitely LOVE this trip.  When our team isn’t working, we will be fishing and donate our catch to the people of a nearby village.  November is peacock bass season and the piranha fishing is good too because the river will have receded and the fish are easier to locate.  We’ll also take you on a jungle walk, crocodile spotting excursions, possibly a visit to a semi-primitive jungle tribe and much, much more!

The trip cost will be $2500.  In addition to the cost of the trip, there are additional expenses for visas and necessary inoculations. Due to the quick departure date, I need to know who is interested ASAP and we’ll need to begin to secure our visas immediately.

There will be an informational meeting about this trip over lunch at the Corner Pub this coming Sunday afternoon at 12:30, just south of Rolling Hills Community Church.  If you are out of town and interested, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll get you the basic information you need.

Perhaps your life has been overly routine or numbingly predictable.  A mission trip to the Amazon will be truly unforgettable and possibly represent one of those defining moments that will change your life forever!


1 comment to " Fall Amazon Mission Trip "

  • I worked a decade as a paramedic, as did my husband. I would love to help do some first responder-ish training in the future in the Amazon. I teach high school right and can’t go in November but please keep us in mind for trips next year!

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