The 13 Transitional Living graduates who donned their caps and gowns last week each traveled their own hard-won path to get there. The room was filled with immense joy, inspiration, and a deep sense of accomplishment. These boys and girls–once unsure of where they would go in life and who would help them imagine a future for themselves–stood smiling, hopeful of their next steps.
JMI’s Transitional Living program focuses on teenagers that are at highest risk of being trafficked. We have four homes, two for boys and two for girls, situated in Moldova’s north and central areas. These homes allow vulnerable teens to continue their education, meet with a JMI social worker, and receive love and support–plus participate in English lessons, life skills classes, and Bible studies. It is our joy and honor to walk alongside these extraordinary young people as they gain tools, confidence, and trust in Christ.
Graduation day began with a heartfelt worship session, bringing together our community to express our gratitude and celebrate the collective journey that led us to this moment. Throughout the event, we had the privilege of sharing words of encouragement with our graduates, reminding them of the resilience, determination, and limitless potential they possess. These uplifting messages were intended to empower and embolden our graduates as they take their next steps forward.
In the Transitional Living program, teens typically stay for two to three years, completing their school work and training to become a successful member of the workforce. The program caters to their specific needs, helping each individual grow and thrive as the unique person God created them to be.
After graduation, some teens will enter our Independent Living program, where they will share living expenses in apartments while attending university or to begin their careers, moving them further along the road to self-sufficiency and protecting them from being trafficked.
We cannot express enough how proud we are of each and every one of our graduates. Their dedication and perseverance in their personal growth journeys have brought them to this significant milestone. We celebrate their achievements–small and large–and praise God for the beautiful story he is writing in each of their lives.
We would like to also express our deepest gratitude to all the sponsors who graciously provided these teenagers with the opportunity to pursue education and personal development. Your support has truly empowered our graduates, unlocking their potential and setting them on a path to success.
Additionally, we want to extend appreciation to our dedicated Moldova staff. Their commitment, passion, and guidance have played a pivotal role in shaping the lives of these graduates. Their tireless efforts and unwavering belief in each and every student have made an indescribable impact.
Let’s join together in celebrating and congratulating our incredible graduates on this momentous occasion!
JMI’s Transitional Living program is truly life-changing. We provide a safe home, accountability figures, spiritual guidance and counseling, social work services, tutoring, volunteer projects, life skills, vocational training, and the possibility of higher education–all within a family-like environment. It is the most effective and most expensive program JMI runs in Moldova. If every Transitional Living teen is fully sponsored each year, we still run a $100,000+ annual deficit for this program. Would you help us close this gap by giving a monthly, quarterly, or annual gift toward this effort?