Making a Difference a World Away - Justice & Mercy International

Making a Difference a World Away

By: Derek Bruff

Every summer my church sends a team of volunteers to minister to orphans in Moldova. And every summer we take one Sunday morning to hear from those volunteers about their trip. My first visit to Rolling Hills coincided with one of those Moldova reports, and that was all I needed to know that this was the church for me. Today at church we heard about the most recent Moldova mission trip, and, as usual, I wished I had brought a Kleenex with me.

If you don’t go to Rolling Hills, you may not know much about Moldova. It’s the smallest and poorest of the former members of the Soviet Union. It’s also a major source of sex trafficking in Europe, and orphans are particularly vulnerable. Of the female orphans, close to half of them end up as prostitutes. The boys don’t fare any better–about half of them end up in organized crime…

Read the rest of Derek’s story.

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