A New Season for our Teenagers in Moldova - Justice & Mercy International

A New Season for our Teenagers in Moldova

Though much of our lives have been on pause this year, our ministry in Moldova has not stopped. For our teens in our Transitional Living Homes, normalcy has begun to return. This month, our brand new class of Transitional Living students have moved into their respective homes. We have many returning students, and one of our biggest incoming classes of new, promising teenagers ever.
Those living in one of our Grace Houses or Boys to Leaders homes are vulnerable teens with no place to go. Trafficking statistics tell us that it is during the teen years that so many are lured into the trafficking that plagues Moldova. That’s where JMI steps in.
In JMI’s residential homes, these acutely vulnerable teens are offered a place to live, a gospel-centered community of peers, the discipleship and care of a house parent, educational assistance, life-skills education, resume help, and the loving support of a sponsor. This program simply could not exist without the generosity of sponsors who stand in the gap for these bright, promising teenagers. We are seeing God change lives through JMI’s Transitional Living program. Will you partner with one of the young lives below and join us in seeing the Kingdom brought forth in Moldova?

Meet Denis and Catalina

For more information contact Rachel at [email protected] 

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