In the Amazon, JMI seeks to educate, encourage, and care for the forgotten people who live along the banks of the Amazon River in Brazil. Our jungle pastors’ conferences are the centerpiece of all the work we do in the Amazon. As we train and equip these precious pastors and their wives, we also care for their villages and their people. Often needs are discovered through our relationships with local pastors that are then met through our ongoing programs.
In 2018 we will host two pastor conferences in the Amazon. Our goal is to grow the number of pastors we reach and eventually host 5 pastors’ conferences each year—one representing each major river in the state of Amazonas. In order to reach new pastors, JMI staff in Brazil have recruited pastors to be area coordinators for our February conference. These area coordinators have been asked to bring 10 new participants with them to the conference.Our first group of area coordinators are some of our most faithful partners. Would you please join with us in praying for these precious men as they reach out to other pastors who would benefit from being at our upcoming Jungle Pastors’ Conference? Here is the list of names and the places where they work:
1. Cosme – Solimões River
2. Arimar – Madeira River
3. Nathan – Purus River
4. Geoval – Solimões
5. Antonio Mendonça – Madeira River/Amazonas River
6. Delmo – all over
7. Francisco and Ana Cleide – Iranduba area
8. Rildo
Many of you are sponsoring these pastors so they can come to the conference. Please pray that God will draw the individuals who most need to be encouraged and equipped and ask that He will provide for them as they make their way to the John Paculabo Center for the February conference. Pray for 100 people to attend. May God strengthen His leaders and bless His Church through these efforts!