We talk about our Grace House girls in Moldova a lot, but did you ever wonder what kinds of things go on over the course of a month?
Here’s a sample of God’s love in action through the eyes of Jazgul, a graduate of our program and now serving as our Resident Assistant. If you know these girls, you’re going to love this. If you’re sponsoring a girl, you’re going to want this for her someday! And if you’re not sponsoring, just look at the blessings you’re missing!:
During the month of November, we had a lot of new and interesting things going on at the Grace House.
First of all, Doina and Catea gave their lives to Jesus. I was amazed to see them reading the Bible in their rooms by themselves. I am very happy to see that some of them are spiritually independent and they don’t wait for the devotional time to pray and read the Bible.
Secondly, on the 5th November, we celebrated Tanea’s birthday. Girls made a surprise for her and we had a special prayer for her.
This month I was privileged to go to the Parents’ meeting at Ala and Viorica’s schools. I was able to talk to their teachers about their performance at school and also about the relationships with their classmates. I asked them to continue to encourage and help them on the subjects that they have difficulties. Even if I was the youngest ’’ parent’’, the teachers were open hearted and I was very proud to hear about their successes.
We also started ‘’the secret friend‘’ game, where the girls must do presents daily for a girl from the house. It is a good way to teach them to give not just to receive.
At the devotional time, I started to teach them about the women from the Bible. Girls love stories and not just the stories but also the things that they can learn from them.
About the volunteer work, the girls enjoy it. Some of them did even more than is asked. Ala, Stela and Viorica every time come from the volunteer work very excited, they always show pictures and tell what they did.
I am happy to see them growing and see what God is doing in their lives!
Although life can’t always be this wonderful in a house full of teenage girls, without Grace House and our incredible staff, the story could have read as follows:
Viorica is living in a one-room apartment with her family and is sick because the heat doesn’t work. Nina is living on the streets and hopes to find a friend’s family who will take her in for a few weeks before the winter cold. Veronica and Stela were picked up by a trafficker last week and we’ve lost contact with them. Tanea is living with her grandmother and there is no food in the house. Doina has dropped out of school to care for her mother who is ill.
Those scenarios may be speculative, but they are more likely than not.
Grace House matters! Thank you for making a better life for our girls and guys!