Join us in welcoming Mary Katharine Hunt to JMI’s Administrative Team! - Justice & Mercy International

Join us in welcoming Mary Katharine Hunt to JMI’s Administrative Team!


On January 21st of 2013, JMI’s ministry effectively doubled in a single day!

That was the day that John Paculabo, the founder of Kingsway Records and the principle fundraiser for much of the ministry along the Amazon in Brazil, conveyed a riverboat, a community center, staff members he was funding and the annual proceeds of Kingsway Trust in the U.K. to Justice and Mercy International.  Along with those assets, some significant church partners will also begin to work directly through our organization. 

The effect of this change could be likened to taking all we have accomplished in Moldova in six years and multiplying it by two overnight.  With almost no notice due to John’s fatal bout with cancer, that kind of sudden growth can be overwhelming. 

In order to absorb this unprecedented development, God led us immediately to one person with impeccable credentials, proven leadership and mission experience in both Moldova and Brazil:  Mary Katharine Hunt of Nashville, Tennessee.

Mary Katharine, or “MK” as her friends refer to her, comes to us with 20 years invested in the ministry of LifeWay Christian Resources.  Most recently she served as the Vice President of Marketing for B&H Publishing Group, a division of LifeWay.

Mary Katharine has a heart for missions and a passion for advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. Over the years, MK has volunteered for and led many mission trips to Mexico, Moldova and Brazil. She served on the inaugural Board of Directors for Justice and Mercy International in 2008.

Hunt, a native of Tennessee, is a graduate of The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She also attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.

Mary Katharine will join Steve Davis on JMI’s administrative team, assuming the position of Executive Director of Operations for JMI.  She will assume the primary leadership role for missions in Brazil, though her responsibilities and skill sets will span the entire scope of JMI’s international activities. 

“I am thrilled beyond words to have Mary Katharine join me in taking JMI to the next level of service,” says Davis, whose role now becomes more specialized as Executive Director of Program Development.  “I have known and served with MK for 10 years in Moldova and never imagined we would be so fortunate as to have someone with her considerable expertise and experience in both our primary service countries on our leadership team.”

The addition of Mary Katharine Hunt is only one of several amazing things that God is orchestrating around his Kingdom in Brazil.  We will be excited to share many more with you in the coming days.

Mary Katharine assumes her role with JMI on a full-time basis beginning June 1st and can be contacted at [email protected]

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