We are 17 days away from our annual Jungle Pastor’s Conference. We are getting ready to have 40 pastors and 20 pastor’s wives at our Conference to be trained on several subjects under Theology and Leadership.
This coming Saturday, Jan 25, we will have approximately 20 volunteers at the John Paculabo Center to work on some of the construction improvements that need to be done. We want to get the auditorium in the best shape it can be to host these dear ones in the best way possible. We will post pictures soon!

About the Conference, please pray:
1. Pray that nothing will hold back these pastors and leaders from being with us during these days of ministerial growth and improvement. May it be a time of rest and empowerment for them.
2. Pray for God to move among us during the Conference. May He reveal Himself and teach us during that time.
3. Pray for our leadership and for all who will be teaching.
4. Pray for the health of those involved.
5. Pray that this will be just the beginning of God’s movement in the Amazon through the lives of these pastors, leaders and their wives.