South Africa Mission Trip - Justice & Mercy International

South Africa Mission Trip

If you have ever wanted to travel to South Africa, now is your time. Rolling Hills is excited to be offering a trip this fall to Capetown South Africa, November 10-19 2012. We have enjoyed a multiple year partnership with a ministry called Living Hope and are expanding our work to two trips a year.

Living Hope is an organization committed to reaching people for Christ, bringing hope and breaking the despair of poverty and disease. While in South Africa we will work in a small township called Red Hill. Our work will include assisting with home based health care and support groups for those who are ill, working with the children of the community teaching life skills and growing relationships with those on the ground who are serving the community on a day in and day out basis. This trip will also afford us an opportunity to work with our own RHCC missionaries, Nathan McDivitt and Claudia Chace.

To learn more about Living Hope visit:

The total cost of the trip will be $2900 and this includes airfare, in country transportation, housing, all meals and ministry supplies.

A $500 non-refundable deposit is due by August 20 to reserve your spot on the trip with an additional $500 due by September 10.

For more information or to sign up contact Brent Hutchinson ([email protected]) or Jason Hale ([email protected])

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