Late-Breaking Moldova Summer Camp News! - Justice & Mercy International

Late-Breaking Moldova Summer Camp News!


For those of you who couldn’t make our informational meeting this Sunday (and even for those of you who did), here is the most up to date “skinny” on our planning to impact the lives of the fatherless in Moldova!:

  • You have two weeks and three available teams from which to choose:
  • June 30-July 7 Two teams, one of them serving in Chisinau and one in Balti/Falesti
  • July 7-14 One team serving in Chisinau
  • (You have the option of working for both weeks for an additional $615 over the one week cost of $2500)

Teams serving in Chisinau may be assigned to Internat 2 or Internat 3, or even some combination of the two, depending on how our negotiations go with their directors.

The Balti/Falesti team will likely split their time between the Falesti orphanage and the Balti Shelter.

In addition, we are attempting to renew a relationship with the Straseni orphanage, but as yet haven’t received word on whether that will be possible or not.

  • We have set Sunday, March 4th as Commitment Sunday.  That is the date we would hope to hear who are our definite volunteers.  Signing up after March 4th increases the potential that flights will be full and unavailable or more expensive.  A $500 nonrefundable deposit is due on that date.
  • Trip cost:  $2500 for one week….$3115 for two weeks.  This includes flights, ground transportation, accommodations, all meals, translator expenses, supply expenses in country (for snacks and miscellaneous needs for kids), property loss and emergency evacuation insurance, bottled water, JMI luggage tags and a team t-shirt.
  • Payment due dates.  We have divided your payment due dates across several months to make it easier for you to participate.
  • $500 due Sunday, Mar. 4th (deposit)
  • $750 due Sunday, April 1st
  • $750 due Sunday, May 6th
  • $500 due Sunday, June 3rd
  • (an extra payment of $615 for those who want to stay for both weeks is due Sunday, June 17th)
  • Advance planning to see your sponsored child!  If you’re traveling to Moldova with us and already sponsoring a child, we want to do everything we can to make sure you see him or her!  Because children are often placed out of the orphanage with families for the entire summer, we can’t guarantee we can make those connections.  However, if you’ll contact [email protected], she will work with our staff to see if we can make those arrangements ahead of time for you.

For all other questions about our volunteer trips and how you can plug into a phenomenal mission experience this summer, please write us at [email protected].  Our teams will form quickly this year so be in prayer for how you can be used by God this year to change an orphan’s life!

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