A Cry for Ladies to Serve in Moldova!! - Justice & Mercy International

A Cry for Ladies to Serve in Moldova!!

This summer’s early Moldova mission trip responses have been uncharacteristically weighted toward male volunteers and light on responses from women.  That presents a real concern for us, knowing how critical it is to have a strong and sensitive female presence!

Our Straseni team in particular, led by our pastor Jeff and Jana Zbinden, has an acute need for ladies.  This team typically serves more children than our other two teams combined – up to 200 or more by the end of each week.  And, because we serve not only the orphanage children but community kids as well, our outreach opportunity there is a ball we don’t want to drop.

For those who understand the victimization crisis for women in Moldova, it is obvious why we would hope for more female volunteers.  We have orphan girls (and boys) who have had precious little experience with a loving mother.  We have abandoned children living with grandparents who are often debilitated and unable to give them the attention they need.  And, probably more frequently than we would imagine, we have girls who are being abused at home and might confide in a woman but never a man.

But beyond the trip, there are life-giving contributions you will make to these children once you’ve returned to the States, changed and blessed by touching these poor in spirit.  As witnesses to what you’ve seen, touched and handled, your voice will be heard on behalf of those with no voice of their own.  I think you’ll find a passion for the orphans that will light up your life and dwarf every lesser interest!

We could easily use five more ladies on our Straseni team this summer.  I urge you to make this a matter of personal, fervent prayer.  There is still time to do your fundraising for the trip.  Why not decide to make your own eternally significant contribution to the lives of the least, the last and the lost!

The Straseni team will travel from June 30-July 7(please note that these are date changes from the original plan and apply to the Falesti team as well…the Internat 2 team will travel July 7-14).  Please contact Jana Zbinden at [email protected] to get more information!

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