An Evening with JMI 2024 - Justice & Mercy International

An Evening with JMI 2024

“God is moving; He is doing so much around the world,” Kelly Minter said as she came on stage to host this year’s An Evening with JMI. “Tonight is one of the most important nights of the year.”

Kelly is a Bible teacher and author who has been highly involved in JMI’s work for years, often traveling on mission trips to Moldova and the Amazon. To set up the evening, she quoted James 1:27: “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

Between attendees and volunteers, over 500 of you joined us at this year’s event, with many watching from their homes around the world. We came together to support our calling as believers to care for the vulnerable.

New faces were introduced, longtime friends captured memories at the photo booth, and mission trip attendees reunited around the 65 tables set up for the evening. 

Kelly introduced JMI’s God-sized goal to raise $500,000 to help our ministry bring Gospel-centered life change into the lives of the world’s most vulnerable.

JMI friend and partner Lindsay McCaul Mattingly came out next to lead everyone in worship. Her song “Come, O Lord (Maranatha)” stilled the room. The Lord’s presence was felt as she sang, “Jesus, come fulfill every promise. Our hope is built upon Your every word.”

One of the most-anticipated moments came next, as the new National Director of Justice & Mercy Moldova, Vadim Fortuna, took the stage. He spoke about his childhood growing up in a small village in rural Moldova, working in the fields alongside his parents, growing their own food during difficult times, caring for animals, and washing laundry by hand. His background helps connect his heart to the kids JMM serves. “I stand in front of you tonight with hope. I’m so sure that our team in Moldova will work hard to bless and take care of children,” he said.

He told the story of one young boy, Vasile, who just moved from our Vulnerable Child Sponsorship Program to our Transitional Living Program. Vasile lost his father a year ago and lived with his mother in a very old, one-room house. Thanks to our support, he now has the chance to continue his studies and pursue his dreams of becoming a police officer. “Vasile has faced many challenges, but he has started to smile,” Vadim said. “When I think about stories like Vasile’s, my heart is so full, and it reminds me of how important the ministry is that we are doing together.”  Watch the Moldova video.

Afterward, Kelly offered a brief update on our work in Italy through Justice & Mercy Europe. She introduced our partners, Michael and Nina Schaafsma, and invited the audience to keep praying for our children’s outreach ministry and for God to guide our steps there.

Next, Sarah Rodrigues, who has been at the helm of Justice & Mercy Amazon for 11 years, spoke about her team’s recent work. “I have personally seen the Gospel of Jesus Christ transform hundreds of lives and entire regions through His power,” she said. 

Sarah focused on the growing issue of child abuse our team is encountering in jungle villages. 

Amazonas is in the top three states in Brazil with the most reports of child abuse. Sadly, untold numbers of abuse incidents stay undocumented. “As I stand before you tonight, I know one thing: the Lord is just sick of it,” she said.

Praise God for using our jungle pastors to illuminate this dark issue. JMA is equipping and supporting these pastors as they fight to end this abuse and transform lives through the Gospel. “It’s hard to hear, but we need to continue to shine the light,” Sarah said. 

She highlighted the pastor couple, Ralci and Rosalia, who are doing this important work in Iranduba. “They said, ‘We are not going to stop until every child in our village is safe.’” Watch their story. 

Through God’s kindness and the generous giving of so many, we are close to reaching our $500,000 goal. We are so thankful to each of you who gave and served alongside us. Yet, there is much to be done. God has continued to provide us with a bigger vision and increased passion for how He wants to care for the poor, vulnerable, and forgotten of the world.

You can still donate to this effort at or text “JMI” to 50-155 with the amount you want to give and your name, and you’ll receive a link to donate (example: “JMI 50 John Smith”). 

The work that God has called JMI to would not be possible without the sacrifice of so many. Whether you go on trips, give financially, or pray for the children, families, and pastors we serve, we are immensely grateful. Our Father continues to prove Himself faithful, and we are expectant for what He will do through all of us this next year. Thank you for partnering with JMI as we work to care for the poor, the vulnerable, and the forgotten.

Watch the replay of An Evening with JMI here.

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