Where are you? Who will go for us? - Justice & Mercy International

Where are you? Who will go for us?

Here are two questions God asked in the Old Testament that ripple down through the ages with hurricane force to you and I today:  Where are you?  Who will go for us?

The first was asked of Adam and Eve while hiding from God in the Garden of Eden.  They had broken the only rule they were given and were now ashamed of themselves, literally!  They didn’t want to face the music.  Better to be lost than found.  And by asking, “Where are you?”, God was graciously causing them to assess their own condition.  “Where, indeed, am I?”

The second question – “Who will go for us?” –  was asked of Isaiah when he experienced God in a vision that forever altered the course of his life…God’s invitation to be a participant in something much greater than his own meager existence.

Good questions for the first couple and Isaiah.  Great questions for us as well!

Where are you?  Does your life feel full of meaning or are you stuck in a rut?  Is there a passion burning in your heart for the things of God or do you often feel like life and purpose are passing you by?

Who will go for us?  Do you feel free to follow God anywhere or do you feel shackled to things less important and meaningful?  Is it time for you to set yourself in motion for the cause of Christ?

We have completed one amazing trip to South Africa and are in the planning stages of three others:  India, Brazil and Moldova!  Here’s what you need to know:


We are now a little over a month away from this incredible ministry adventure (April 15-23) and have two spots still available for anyone ready to say, “Here am I, send me!”  We could especially use a nurse!


Sunday, March 20th, is Commitment Sunday, and we are already very close to having a full boat of 12 for our mission to establish large vegetable gardens to feed three communities along the Amazon.  Some people have already pre-registered and the remaining slots may be gone well before the 20th.  Deposits of $500 are due but we won’t have a formal sign up meeting, so write [email protected] if you’re jumping up and down to say, “Here I am!  Here I am!”


Sunday, March 13th, is Commitment Sunday for our annual Moldova summer camps for orphans!  Our ministry is going into its 9th year there and the cumulative impact on young lives has been incredibly rewarding.  We’ll meet at 12:45 in the Gallery after worship to begin formalizing our teams.  $500 deposits are requested at this meeting and a more detailed description of this mission trip will be posted tomorrow!

To inquire further about any of these trips, write [email protected] or call me at 615-302-8248.

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