Who Are We, That You Are Mindful of Us? - Justice & Mercy International

Who Are We, That You Are Mindful of Us?

Take a minute to read Psalm 8.

Have you ever simply looked up at the stars at night and immediately felt small? I can remember feeling this way as we journeyed down the Negro River in the Amazon jungle. As I sat on the stern of the Discovery with our mission team in total silence looking up and seeing the Milky Way galaxy so clear, I was overwhelmed with just how vast the universe God created was.

I can imagine that thirty centuries ago David, who wrote these words, felt the exact same way. The same starry sky that David observed, is the same starry sky that we observe to this day. The only difference is, we know a little more about just how vast the universe really is. Think about it, Astronauts have been physically able to walk on the same moon that David could observe only from a distance, yet all the knowledge that has been gained about the universe in which we live only serves to deepen our impression of the tremendous wisdom and power of God.

In so many ways, the more we know, the smaller we should feel.

David went on to say, when he considered the work of God’s hands and all he has created, “what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

In other words, who are we? What significance do we have? Why us? Why me?

David considered that question thousands of years ago, just like I considered that question on a boat in the middle of the Amazon jungle. And quite honestly, a question that I should ask myself daily. Why? Because in that very question it reveals our unique relationship to Almighty God. That God has included us in His plan. That question should take us straight back to the gospel of Jesus Christ. That in the course of his creation story he created man in his image. Though man rebelled, LOVE prevailed. His rescue plan through Christ proves we are His prized possession that desires a relationship with His creation. It also reminds us that God created us on purpose for a purpose. To know Him and make Him known.

God is mindful of YOU today, God cares for YOU today. Remember this…whatever pain you are going through, however you feel, whatever plans that have gotten disrupted, whatever your failures or successes… He sees YOU, and cares for YOU, and desires to use YOU.

Find moments throughout this week to look up at the heavens and be reminded of how small you really are. Then, in your smallness repeat David’s closing words in chapter 8, “LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” 

Our acknowledgement of his majesty puts this life in perspective and motivates us to live for greater things, Kingdom things.

~ Chase Baker – Family Pastor, Rolling Hills Community Church


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