Justice League - Justice & Mercy International

What is the Justice League?

The JMI Justice League is what we call our monthly donors, and they further our mission of making justice personal for the poor, vulnerable, and forgotten people in the Amazon and Moldova.

The Bible is clear on where we should stand in delivering justice to the needy. “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute,” Psalm 82:3. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and plead the widow’s cause,” Isaiah 1:17.

What Impact DOES the JMI Justice League Have?

Our Justice League heroes play a significant role in upholding our general programming. Through financial support, prayer, and advocacy, you become a part of our mission to create sustainable and Gospel-centered life change. By addressing physical, economic, and spiritual poverty, we have seen JMI programming change lives.


Our multilayered youth programs in Moldova are designed to help vulnerable children and provide support for those most at risk.



As we continue to build up local and indigenous pastors, we grow influence with local churches. Through these local churches, we are able to bring the Gospel further into unreached areas of the Amazon than ever before.


We invest in family units and help them stay together, even when resources are scarce. Through meeting priority and basic needs, we provide critical crisis care like food bags to families in need.


In addition to providing for the physical needs of vulnerable children and teens, our support addresses spiritual and emotional development.

Join Now

You can be a hero of justice starting today. Simply fill out the form and select your desired monthly giving amount. If you have any questions about the JMI Justice League, click the button below to email us.

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